The Villa Young Professionals are getting ready to play volleyball! It’ll be fun, and will feature pizza and pitchers at Hot Shots VBall . . . but most importantly, this event will benefit youth at Villa of Hope.
Established 3 years ago, the Villa’s Young Professionals (YP) Board has quickly taken hold as a serious fundraising committee for the Villa. Our YPs have helped coordinate our Gala Silent Auction, sports tournaments, happy hour events, and, in partnership with the Villa’s Development and Marketing Department, our annual Holiday Wishes program, which provides gifts from the community to over 700 in need, and served by the Villa, during the holiday season.

From L to R: Dominick LaPenna, Ke’Shara Webb (Secretary), Adam Pettinella, Robert Yawman, Kayla Wheeler (Communications), Lauren Dlugosh (Co-Chair), Kasey Fanton, and Jack Susman (Co-Chair). Missing from photo: Samantha Smith.
This year’s Volleyball Tournament will be the second annual event of its kind. The YP Sports Committee is co-chaired by Ke’Shara and Dominick, with support from Kayla and Samantha, who produced marketing materials for the event. All have been hard at work securing sponsors. Our YPs have a unique understanding of our organization, and are committed to our youth. “Serving on the Villa YP Board is an opportunity to collaborate with the Rochester Community, and work with great people,” said Samantha in a recent interview. Kayla adds that when she was a child, she experienced the power of community coming together to help each other. “Because I had had this experience early on, I was looking for a way to continue to be involved as an adult; and have found it with the Villa YP Board.”
Ke’Shara Webb has a similar focus, but with a background that she feels connects her with Villa youth. “Growing up in a household with a single mother, and a father who was an addict and incarcerated, I have lived many of the experiences Villa kids have. Years ago, I decided that when I was a success, I’d give back, and make a difference for other kids. This fulfills my promise to give back.” Not only does she serve on the YP Board, but she was also the Villa School’s graduation guest speaker in 2018, delivering a powerful message to our youth in her own words.

Ke’Shara Webb, Villa YP Board Secretary and Sports Committee Co-Chair
“Our YPs are often my inspiration,” says Catherine Orlandini, Villa Director of Development. “They’re good people, and an indicator of what charitable giving will be in our not-too-distant future. They want to give hope to our youth, and, in turn, our YPs give us all hope.”
The Villa Young Professionals have worked diligently to organize the upcoming 2nd Annual Volleyball Tournament at HotShots, 1046 University Ave. It will run from 4-8 pm on Saturday, September 28, 2019. Whether you’re interested in the Rec or Pro divisions – or if spectating is more your speed – we hope you will come out and show your support for the YPs, as well as Villa youth!
This year’s Platinum Sponsor of the Tournament is Labella Associates. If you are interested in sponsoring, contact Ke’Shara Webb. If you want to play, please click here to register!