Renewing hope for our community
April 21, 2021
10 am
*Virtual Event*
Join Villa of Hope’s upcoming Groundbreaking Recovery event — a virtual groundbreaking ceremony to kick off the building of the first-of-its-kind, brand-new, integrated recovery and mental health facility for the community.
Hear from Christina Gullo (Villa of Hope President/CEO), Dr. Michael Mendoza (Commissioner of Public Health for Monroe County, NY), Todd Baxter (Monroe County Sheriff), Adam Bello (County Executive), and more!
Groundbreaking Recovery will highlight Villa of Hope’s next steps forward in continuing to support youth and adults who are battling substance abuse and working on their mental health and wellness. The two new facilities (a detox center and an outpatient clinic) are truly needed in New York State, and the Villa is proud to provide groundbreaking and life-changing opportunities for families and individuals to find hope and to recover and rebuild their lives.
Villa of Hope’s ceremony will shed light on a renewed hope and what is possible for our community. Please virtually join us on April 21, 2021, at 10 AM, for Groundbreaking Recovery — our groundbreaking ceremony for our new detox center and outpatient clinic.
Tune into Facebook Live on April 21st at 10AM for the premiere event. For additional details or information, please contact Gerianne Puskas, Chief Advancement Officer at Gerianne.Puskas@villaofhope.org or 585-683-1999.
If you are a member of the media, please contact Becca Delaney Johnson, The Cause Collaborative, at becca@thecausecollab.org or 585-481-2793 or Gerianne Puskas, Chief Advancement Officer, Villa of Hope, at Gerianne.Puskas@villaofhope.org or 585-683-1999 to arrange phone interviews or coordinate on-site interviews for April 21st at 10AM at the VIP/Press-Only premiere screening at The Villa.
About Groundbreaking Recovery
Villa of Hope is excited to break ground on two new facilities: our Detox Facility, and our Integrated Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Clinic.
Notably, our new medically supervised withdrawal and stabilization treatment home (Detox Center) will be the first community, agency-run inpatient center of its kind in Monroe County to treat adolescents and adults and offer specialized post-detox programs.

This 18-bed medically supervised withdrawal and treatment center on the beautiful Villa of Hope Dewey Avenue campus will be the only one of its kind in Monroe County to treat adolescents, as well as adults.

This Behavioral Health Clinic will provide vital mental health and substance use disorder and recovery services to our campus kids, and will open up treatment options to our entire community. We will save lives here.
Opioid use is at an all-time high and the numbers of overdoses and deaths due to substance abuse are growing daily. With the help of a new grant, the medically supervised withdrawal and stabilization treatment home will provid e Villa of Hope another opportunity to change the lives of youth and adults in our community ages 16 and up.
In 2017, 32% percent (1,700 people) of county residents seeking services had to travel outside of Monroe County due to a lack of bed availability. The new home will serve patients in Monroe County who are struggling with addiction and who have previously had to seek treatment outside of the county.
Our new 24-hour facility will offer short-term (5-7 days) medical inpatient treatment focused on physically stabilizing patients who are stopping the use of alcohol and/or other drugs. The home will also provide structured, around-the-clock treatment programs under the watchful care of physicians, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and licensed therapists. After completing withdrawal, patients will be able to continue treatment in other programs such as the Villa of Hope Outpatient Clinic and/or residential and group home programs.
“Individuals and families seeking help should not have to travel outside of Monroe County to find it. We need to eliminate barriers and stigma to get people the help they need – when and where they need it. Drugs are killing our friends, neighbors, and young people – they are killing our communities. We all need to step up and take on this challenge.”
Meet Tyler

When Tyler was a teenager, he began hanging out with new friends and started using drugs. His life veered on a downward spiral and unfortunately, was followed by trouble with law enforcement.
“I was told by a judge I had to go to L.I.F.E. House; but it was the best thing. It gave me a chance to get sober, and learn new ways to live a healthy and successful life.”
As a resident at our L.I.F.E. (Live In Freedom Early) House on our Dewey Avenue Campus, Tyler had an opportunity to begin a new direction in life. Today, he is clean and sober and credits the program with his recovery. What does the future hold for him? His dream is to become a hip-hop artist. But plan B, as Tyler continues his journey, is to attend college and major in counseling to become a therapist and work with youth at Villa of Hope.
With the help of the Villa, Tyler recovered and turned his life around. Tyler is grateful for the second chance the Villa gave him and we are proud to have supported another youth in our community. The Villa will continue to reach more youth and adults, with the construction of our new detox and clinic facilities.
“Thank all of you for the amount of time that you guys put into me,” he says. “I’m eternally grateful.”
Rebuild. Recover. Renew.
Learn more about our services and connect with Villa of Hope today!