Category: Advocacy

Ted Adams Shares His Passion for Writing Poetry During Black History Month
“UNSUNG” I am a child of the early movements, A student of the NAACP. A resistant to segregation, But most will not remember me. Nine months before the coming of Ms. Parks, I too sat on the bus. I refused

Villa of Hope receives award and is recognized for having one of America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers by Newsweek and Statista
As the summer draws to a close, Newsweek published a list of “America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers” for 2023, and we made the New York list! We are also the only center from the Rochester, NY area to receive the

42nd Annual Tournament of Hope at Deerfield Country Club to Benefit Villa of Hope
Recently, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at Deerfield Country Club with 144 supporters of the Villa who came together to provide a new sense of hope for our community! We exceeded our financial goal at this year’s tournament,

Jay Gullo: a warm welcome for 34 years
. . . and always a fresh perspectiveFor all who have passed through the Villa’s doors – youth, adults, and families – Jay Gullo has been the first friendly face they have met, throughout his 34 years with the Villa,

Villa of Hope is continuing to meet community needs through the construction of The Steven Center for Behavioral Health
Our country is experiencing a mental health crisis. With recent traumatic events and COVID over the last two years, people across the country are struggling to maintain positive mental health. Below, is information and data to show that we are

Federal Funding could be coming to help fight the opioid epidemic
Federal Funding could be coming to help fight the opioid epidemic Senator Chuck Schumer made a visit to Rochester in Early October with the potential to substantially give resources to combat the opioid epidemic. If approved, $3 billion would be

Adam Pettinella tells his story of why our Annual Tournament of Hope is “more than just golf.”
Adam was looking for a meaningful way to get involved within his community and grow his network. When his colleague, Mark Battaglia, referred him to the Villa, it checked those boxes for him. “The Villa of Hope gives children

What does an internship at Villa of Hope look like?
Meet Nandita AmmanamanchiMy name is Nandita Ammanamanchi and I have had the chance to intern at the Villa this summer. I am a rising junior at the University of Rochester majoring in Health Behavior and Society with minors in Legal

Villa of Hope Selected as 2022 Beneficiary for MEG’s Gift
The MEG’s Gift Board selected the Villa of Hope as its primary beneficiary of fundraising efforts in 2022. MEG’s Gift is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity created in 2015 by the family of Megan Elizabeth Garbach (MEG), to honor her