Recently, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at Deerfield Country Club with 144 supporters of the Villa who came together to provide a new sense of hope for our community! We exceeded our financial goal at this year’s tournament, all thanks to the generosity of our Villa supporters. Throughout the day, golfers were able to learn about the programs and services that we provide at the Villa.
At the beginning of dinner, our supporters heard Cloey speak, a former client who was recently discharged from our LIFE House Program. Cloey shared her own personal story and journey. She explained how Villa of Hope staff members and the programs that we offer have played an important role in her life. Recently, Cloey has begun working part-time with the Villa’s Agency Advancement Team, as she explores her interests in marketing and photography!
A special and huge thank you to all of our supporters, sponsors, foursomes, and volunteers for an amazing day at our 42nd Annual Tournament of Hope!
We believe in you and you are the hope for the thousands of individuals and families that we serve!